Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Fool's Day

I don't know what my obsession is with April Fools. I love this day. I don't know if it is because my mom used to play little tricks on us when I was little, or if it's because Alan is so busy this time of year that he never realizes what day it is. I am able to play the same little trick on him every year and it usually works like a charm. Unfortunately, this year apparently I'm too predictable. Alan checked his underwear before putting them on, and my kids asked me first thing if I was going to make "soap" cookies. I told Alan my plans for making breakfast for my kids...I was going to make faunacookin (I have no idea how to spell it) and instead of sprinkling sugar in it, I was going to sprinkle salt. I made breakfast and Maddie caught me in the act. I told her to be quiet and see who got that one. I asked who wanted the first one and no one did. Alan was already eating a good one because he had to leave for work. I set it aside and made the next one a good one for Alan again. Before I had it finished he asked if the one on the counter was for him. I told him he could have it if he wanted it, thinking he would know what I had done. NOPE! After one bite he was bent over the garbage can spitting it out. I GOT HIM!!

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