Tuesday, June 30, 2009

House hunting...again!

Today we went house hunting again. I think we've finally decided on a house in Adarsh Vista. Our kids walked through it with us and they each picked out which room is theirs. It doesn't have much of a yard, but it is 4 bedrooms and the clubhouse isn't too far of a walk.  When we walked around the clubhouse the kids just wanted to swim. I told them if they were good for the rest of the day we would swim when we got back to the hotel. They were really good kids. Thank you Grandma for the DS's. Ethan was so excited to show our driver, Rama, how his DS worked. While we walked through one of the houses, he sat in the car and played the DS with him. I'm pretty sure Rama wants one for his birthday.
This is Annie's new trick that she did while we were at the pool tonight. She crawled over to the chair and pulled herself up.
The kids love having the pool. Tonight Ellie has now decided that instead of Fun City she wants to go swimming and to the Spa for her birthday. It's only 4 days away as she keeps reminding me. I'm not sure what to do.

Everywhere that we go, people are obsessed with Annie. When we go to eat, all of the waiters stop and talk to her, and if I'm holding her they take her from me and walk around the restaurant with her. Yesterday when we went swimming this lady (I'm not sure what her name is, but I'm sure she works at the hotel) was down there and took Annie over to the pool. Annie cried and cried so when we went swimming tonight she tried to take her again. Annie liked it this time and made the lady really happy.  Ellie and Maddie have also made friends with a girl that lives near the hotel. Their family has a membership at the club here and come swimming everyday. We now have arranged to meet them for swimming tomorrow at 4:00.
We tried so hard to keep them awake tonight. They crashed at 7:00. Hopefully they will sleep longer than they did last night.


Angie said...

OH boy howdy I feel for your kids that Jet lag is a killer! Give it a week and hopefully you'll all be back to normal. So does it feel like home? That is so funny about annie being so Famous! Love the updates - keep it up.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm thinking the pool looks pretty nice...I'd forget the house and just stay at the hotel!!