Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The First Day of School 2010

August 9th was the first day of school. I can't believe my kids are already in 5th, 3rd, and 1st grades!!

The kids were pretty excited to go back to school this year and see which ones of their "India Friends" had moved back home, and which ones were here for another year. On the 1st day I decided we would drive them out to school and walk them to their classrooms. Ethan and Maddie were excited not to have to ride the bus, but Ellie opted to take the bus.

I have always been told to take advantage of the time with your kids while they are little...one day they won't really need your hand to hold...I think I wanted to cry when Ellie decided to ride the bus. Can she be getting independent on me?!?
When we walked Ethan to his class, he only recognized some of the girls, and didn't want to sit by any of them. He decided to sit by himself at a table until some other boys arrived. I think he was my most excited kid to go to school this year, and I think it is because it's the first year he gets to wear the uniform.

Maddie walked into her room and 5 other girls came running over to her yelling her name very excited to see her. I know that Maddie has really made quite a few friends here and I think she might have the hardest time coming home and leaving the friends she's made.

Alan and I walked down to Ellie's classroom to see if she had made it yet, and she had. There are a few girls that she knew from last year that are back this year, but they are all in a different class. She did make 1 new friend very quickly from Sweden, Karolina. She is new this year and Ellie told me later that she wanted to be her friend because last year Ellie was the only girl who had glasses and this little girl had glasses too. Karolina's father told me that he was grateful for Ellie. Karalina had been very scared to come to her first day of school because she didn't know anyone, and she doesn't speak English too well.
I think if there is one thing our kids have learned while being here is how to make friends quickly.

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