Thursday, July 2, 2009

Video of Annie

As I was downloading the pictures from the previous post I found this video I had taken of Annie starting to crawl.
It's obviously from before we left. It was on our Storage packing day.


Tracy Cornia said...

Good Job Annie!!! She is the cutest little thing. I love the blogs keep them coming. I feel like we know more about you guys now then when you lived in Salt Lake. How sad is that. I love getting on and seeing that you update. I guess maybe I should get on the ball and do the same.

Heather said...

She is so CUTE.
It is great to see you guys are settling in.
I hope you don't mind that I check the blog.
I think moving to another country is fascinating! My sister is moving to Australia next year. What amazing adventures you and your sweet family will have!