Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When we moved to India our "Marble Jar" got shipped off to storage. I didn't worry too much about it because we had gotten really bad at actually awarding marbles. Today we reinstated the "Marble Pot" as it is now known.

I had forgotten how well this thing works!!!
Dinner with no tears, PJ's on the 1st time asked, homework done...I LOVE MY NEW POT!!!


Martha said...

How does the "Marble Pot" work? I might want to try it out on Jeff. lol

Aplanalps said...

Yes, I need more info also!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!! You would love the Love and Logic series! Here's the link, it's helped me immensly with my kids and chores. I look forward to seeing you at the reunion. http://www.loveandlogic.com/ecom/p-208-the-life-saver-kit.aspx

Love you,