We had to get creative with our Easter decorations this year because all of our Holiday Decor was taken to storage. Thanks to Grandma Erickson we had a few Easter craft/decorations.
That night I went outside to get the eggs out of our tree so the kids could each put one in their baskets, and they were gone. Yep, the strings were hanging there, but someone had cut off our eggs and took them. :(
Ellie was pretty upset because "now what is the easter bunny going to put the candy in?" This past New Year Ellie made Alan a deal that she wouldn't eat any candy or drink any soda for a year and she has done so well. She has a few days that she gets off and Easter is one of them. She has been looking forward to eating candy for a long time. She actually saved her valentine candies so that she could eat them on Easter.
At home Easter was the same day as General Conference, but because here we watch conference a week later, we had to leave for church by 9:00. As the kids searched for their baskets I made them one by one get in the shower and get ready. Once they were ready for church I told them they could search for the eggs that the Easter Bunny brought. He is magical!! Plastic eggs filled with candy were scattered around our living room!!
Soon, Maddie, Ethan, and Annie had all found their baskets, and Ellie couldn't find hers. There were a few tears when it was time to head to church and she still hadn't found it. In my heart I felt bad because I knew how she was feeling. I was always the last to find my basket, and I distintly remember one year, yes I was in YW, when I cried all the way to church because I was the only one who had not found my basket.
On the way home we all got strict instructions to FIND HER BASKET with her.
That night Vijay brought his family over for an egg hunt. They don't celebrate Easter because they are Hindu, but we thought it would be fun to have his kids come and look for eggs. Ellie, Maddie and Ethan were so excited. They hid the eggs and had it all planned out who would help show them how to find them, etc. It was fun to see our kids giving their candy to them.
He is the only one who speaks English in his family, and his wife is really quiet, and shy. After they found the eggs, Shravia (his 3 year old) found the "toy room". She was really excited with everything she saw.
I need the Easter Bunny who come to your house to teach my Easter Bunny how to hide baskets. Jeff found his in no time! I wanted to see him cry as he looked for his!
Sounds like a fun Easter! The Easter bunny only hides jelly beans at our house.
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