Monday, May 11, 2009


Right now it's 3:00 a.m. and Alan and I can't sleep. We did a lot of running around yesterday and were exhausted from not sleeping well the night before so when we got back to our hotel at 7:oo last night we crashed. We slept until about 2:oo this morning and now...
I thought maybe since I've got a few hours, I'd try and update.  Yesterday we visited 2 schools, and an apartment. The 2 schools are called Indus, and TISB. I took pictures at Indus, but TISB didn't allow me to.
 This is a picture of one of the apartments that they showed us. It wasn't very clean. It was a 4 bedroom penthouse. It was on the 10th floor. They say that is good because you get above the mosquitoes if you above floor 6.
This is the playground at the apartment complex. They also had tennis courts and a pool.

This is the School bus for Indus School
Swimming pool at the school. The kids have to take swimming, and a musical instrument. They also have to pick one other sport.  They will also get to learn Spanish.
The cafeteria at Indus School. Our kids will all eat at the same time. When they come into the cafeteria, they will sit according to their classes, the tables are all set, and they bring the food to the tables in big bowls where they get to dish up their plates. This was also the same at TISB, they wouldn't let me take a picture though.
This was a fun little playground/science park. I had Ethan in mind when I saw it. All of the equipment is designed to teach some science principle
This picture and the next 2 are pictures of what Ethan's classroom would look like. All of the kids were outside playing. I forgot I had a camera when we went into the classroom that would be Maddie's. The kids were all sitting at laptop computers learning their math. They said that all of the kids work on computers a lot. By 6th grade they carry their own around to all of their classes.  They said that there are around 20-25 kids per class, and they have 2 teachers in the class. This was the same at TISB also.

I was trying to take a picture of this bus that was next to us while we were driving. It was so jam packed full. People were almost hanging out of it. Then, I turned and the car next to us was probable the size of Mindy's convertible car that had a family of 7 in it.  I guess they aren't required to buckle up.

This is a video of driving down the street. I hope you don't get sick watching it. You still don't get a sense of how crazy the drivers are here by watching it, but I tried.

I don't know what I've done, half of the writing on this page is a link to something, but i'm not sure what.

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