Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Indian Wedding

Tonight our family was invited to the wedding reception of one of Alan's co-workers. It was a fun event! They had a line, kind of like we would at a wedding reception, except instead of shaking hands and congratulating the couple, you get your picture taken with them. We had our pictures taken with the bride and groom and all of Alan's co-workers. After the line they had a dinner. The kids weren't too thrilled for this part of the night. It was really neat I thought, and I tried it all. Yep, you read that right, all of it. I think I surprised Alan by even eating the leafy thingy at the end of the meal. I'm not too sure what all I ate, and I was pretty sure at times my tongue was going to fly out of my mouth on fire, but I tried it all. I was sitting next to a lady who was trying to tell me how to eat it, but holding Annie posed to be a challenge because they don't use utensils. I was eating with one hand, holding Annie with the other and the lady next to me was holding Annie's hand away from the hot and spicy rice. Finally they brought a banana out and I handed it to her. As soon as she finished it, she was back at my banana leaf trying to get all the food. I don't know how he knew, but Vijay came to my rescue and took Annie outside so that I could finish eating without it all ending up in my lap.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I am nervous about trying all that spicy food too.