Monday, October 4, 2010

STS (Skyline Transportation System)

Today as we were driving down yet another crowded street in Bangalore, we turned the corner and came to a "full jam" as Vijay puts it. It was a parking lot of sorts, and cars and bikes were trying to squeeze into every available space. I soon began to hear the sirens of the Ambulance, and thought to myself, I'm glad I have not had to rely on an Ambulance here. No one makes way for it, they just keep going on about their business. As the sound got closer and closer I turned my head, and had a flash back to my sophomore year in High School when my cousin drove a group of about 10 of us to school everyday in an old white van.
This picture isn't of the one I saw, but one I found online that was similar. The one I saw was almost exact replica of STS.

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