Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sports Day at Indus

December 8th and 9th the kids had Sports day at school. All of the kids compete in all of the events, and the top kids compete in the finals on the last day. They had 4-5 events depending on the grades. Ethan and Maddie both ran in the 50 and 100 meter races, long jump, and Tennis ball throw. Ellie also had a 200 meter race that she ran in. Ethan got the bronze metal in the long jump, and Ellie qualified for the 200 meter Relay race. Here are a few pictures of the day that Ellie competed. I remembered my camera the day Ethan and Maddie competed, but I forgot to put a memory card in it. I have a friend that is going to email me some pictures of that day, but in the mean time...
Ellie with her friends...Karolina (Sweden) Ellie (US) Jasmine (US) Ananya (India)

Ellie's Long Jump

It's not just a competition, IT'S WAR!

It was so hot that day, and they were selling Snow Cones. I bought one for  all of the kids, and they melted before we could even think about eating them. At least it ended up being a cold drink of flavored water.  I don't feel like it's almost Christmas time. Tank tops and Snow cones in December are just wrong.

Oh and I also have to pat myself on the back for driving myself out to school one of the days. Vijay had to have the day off for a wedding. For those of you who haven't visited India, you may think..."Big Deal, she drove herself to her kids school", but for those of you who have been here, you'll agree with me that it was actually AMAZING!!! I honked the horn, dodged pot holes, buses, rickshaws, motorcycles, cows, pedestrians, and an occasional goat.

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