Our branch had it's annual Primary Program on Sunday. The kids did a really GREAT job. We don't have a primary chorister so all of the senior primary children took turns leading a song. Ellie got to lead "I Lived in Heaven", she also had to give a talk. Maddie and Ethan both memorized scriptures. Ellie and Maddie also got to sing in a small group. The following video is from the practice the night before. The kids really wanted to show their grandmas their parts.
He actually didn't do it this goofy during the program. He did it perfect and I was so proud of him. Although he did goof off some during the songs. The Primary President came to me after the program and said how proud she was of Ethan. She also told me she was praying for him all the night before that he would be able to handle being up on the stand.
You have to turn up your volume all the way to hear Maddie's they hadn't pulled out the microphone yet.
Maddie had her part memorized the very first out of our family. She was so excited to give it, but the morning of the program she started telling me that her tummy hurt. Her tummy is always hurts when she doesn't want to do something so I thought she was just getting nervous to do her part. She got dressed and I combed her hair and we headed to church. Right before church started Maddie started throwing up and Alan had to take her home. Ellie ended up giving her part.
This is the song that Ellie got to lead. Doesn't this pass off something for Achievement Days?
It also shows how big our primary is, and a little bit why the primary president would be worried about Ethan.